One particularly vexing chest can be plainly seen, but you won’t be able to pick it up until much, much later on in the game.

Astute players have probably already noticed the Oriental Sorcery Lab chest under the bridge near a stranded man. Can’t quite reach the chest yet? You’ll need to grab a shard from a late game boss first!

How To Reach The Oriental Sorcery Lab Chest

To access the chest, you need the Dimension Shift ability acquired by defeating the penultimate boss before the very last boss in the entire game.

If you haven’t done so already, go fight Gremory in the Glacial Tomb after the Den Of Behemoths (make sure to use Zangetsuto as your weapon for extra critical hits against Gremory).

When you’ve got the Dimension Shift shard, head back to the Oriental Sorcery Lab and use your new ability to pass through the barrier directly to the chest.

Having trouble getting this ability to properly activate? 

To use Dimension Shift and move through the wall, you have to actually aim your movement with the orb of light first – like with the Reflector Ray ability - rather than just pressing the button Dimension Shift was bound to (if you are using a controller, you aim with the right stick).

If you just tap the button, nothing happens and the Dimension Shift ability doesn’t actually activate.

Note that when you have the Dimension Shift shard, you can also reach the treasure chest in the Tower Of Twin Dragons to acquire the The Valkyrie Sword.

Having trouble with Gremory or need help finding any other hidden areas of the game? Pop us off a comment below and then check out our other Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night guides here:

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