Airship battles, Horde and Alliance team-ups, the Burning Legion in full, furious force, all in gorgeous, cinematic detail that makes the Warcraft universe seem real - Blizzard’s trailers never fail to disappoint.
Take a look at the new World of Warcraft: Legion trailer below.
After a few expansions worth of Alliance and Horde conflict, with the Burning Legion returning, it seems we’re going to get that satisfying rival faction team-up that always manages to get fanboys cheering.
Blizzard Entertainment has been churning out some of the most stunning cinematics in gaming history since way back in 2002, when they were providing players with mind-blowing visuals married to the story campaign of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Now, thirteen years later, the company still manages to keep everyone in rapt attention by creating impossibly beautiful portrayals of a fantastical world.
For a look at the history of World of Warcraft’s excellence when it comes to game trailers, here’s twenty minutes of awesome that might as well be labeled “pornography” for any lover of fantasy - Warcraft fan or not.
With cinematics this good, let’s hope that Legion can live up to the hype of its trailer.