Note: The amount of each item you have is indicated with a number in the bottom right corner.

Forms of Currency

These items are used to purchase treasures and other items in the game.

 CoinsCoins can be used to upgrade a Hero’s weapons, their Life Force, the Skill Institute and Seithr Factory, and purchase Basic Treasure. If you need more Coins, you can spend 5 Diamonds to get 5000 coins.

 SeithrSeithr is the main source of power in the Blazblue universe. In this game, it can be used to upgrade the Hero Tower, a Hero’s Power Force, a Hero’s moves, and the Coin Factory. If you need more Seithr, you can spend 5 Diamonds to get 5000 Seithr units.

 DiamondsDiamonds are used to purchase more rare and valuable items. You acquire them for completing Hero Missions, Main Missions, Login Rewards, Daily Sign-in Rewards, and occasionally from Constant Login Rewards. They can also be acquired through Secret Drop Events, clearing certain Strongholds (can be found in the Event tab), and purchasing them with real money. Spending 2699 Diamonds is the only way to get Hazama as of writing this guide (as long as you’re VIP Level 6).

 EnergySeen as the small thunderbolt logo, Energy is what allows you to challenge Strongholds and progress through Story Mode. As with Diamonds, Energy can be acquired through Daily Sign-in Rewards. Energy can also be acquired when adding friends to your Friend List. Once you log in, you can tap the first icon next to your friend’s name to send them 1 Energy Unit. If you’re in a pinch, you can spend 50 Diamonds to get 100 Energy units.  

Important Items

These items are used to progress through the game’s story mode and help unlock the characters.

 KeysThese can be found throughout all the levels of the game and are acquired at the end of the level. Your performance affects how many you get, so the more stars you have, the more keys you’ll get. Certain amounts of keys are needed to access the next chapter. If you find yourself falling short of the requirement, revisit previous levels to get more keys.

 Hero Draft OrdersThese cards can be found while battling in Infinity Tower and in VIP packs. There is a free Level 0 VIP Packs which you can access daily, which has a chance of containing these cards. Other VIP Packs can be accessed by those with the right level or can be purchased for a certain amount of Diamonds.  

 Ragna CardSince you get to play as Ragna the Bloodedge right off the bat, this card can only be used to promote him to higher ranks. The card can be found in Stronghold 15 and Stronghold 84 and can be bought through the Rank Store and VIP Store.

 Noel CardThis card is used to unlock Noel Vermillion and can also be used to promote her to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 30 and Stronghold 99 and can be bought at the VIP Store and Rank Store. You will need 10 of these cards along with 20 Hero Draft Orders to unlock her.

 Tager CardThis card is used to unlock Iron Tager and can also be used to promote him to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 45 and Stronghold 105 and can be bought at the VIP Store and Rank Store. You will need 10 of these cards along with 20 Hero Draft Orders to unlock him.

 Bang CardThis card is used to unlock Bang Shishigami and can also be used to promote him to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 30 and Stronghold 99 and can be bought at the VIP Store and Rank Store. You will need 20 of these cards along with 40 Hero Draft Orders to unlock him.

 Makoto CardThis card is used to unlock Makoto Nanaya and can also be used to promote her to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 75 and Stronghold 120 and can be bought at the VIP Store and Rank Store. You will need 30 of these cards along with 60 Hero Draft Orders to unlock her.

 Jin CardThis card is used to unlock Jin Kisaragi and can also be used to promote him to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 90 and in VIP Packs and can be purchased in the Rank Store and VIP Store. You need 40 of these cards and 80 Hero Draft Order cards to unlock Jin.  

 Platinum CardThis card is used to unlock Platinum the Trinity and can also be used to promote her to higher ranks. This card can be found in Stronghold 105 and in VIP Packs and can be purchased in the Rank Store and VIP Store. You need 60 of these cards and 120 Hero Draft Order cards to unlock Platinum.  


Sellable Items

These items can be sold for some Coins and Seithr when needed. The value for 1 piece are as follows:


 Copper: 1000  Iron: 5000  Steel: 10000


 Rock: 1000  Ore: 5000  Gem: 10000 

Treasure Items

These cards are used to acquire rare treasures.

 Rare Treasure CardThis card can be used to get 1 Rare Treasure for free.

 Rare Treasure DeckThis deck allows you to get 10 Rare Treasures for free.

 Epic Treasure DeckThis deck can be used to get 5 Epic Treasures for free.

Experience Items

These items can be used to increase a Hero’s level. They only have a one-time use and can be acquired while playing through Normal Mode and in VIP Packs.

 EXP TonicThis item increases the Hero’s EXP by 100 points.

 EXP PotionThis item increases the Hero’s EXP by 300 points.

 EXP ElixirThis item increases the Hero’s EXP by 800 points.

Equipment Enhancement

These items can be used to enhance a Hero’s equipment. They only have a one-time use and some can be acquired in Treasure Chests, while playing Normal Mode, or in VIP Packs.

 Level 35 Boost TicketThis item has the increased chance to forge Level 35 equipment.

  Level 40 Boost TicketThis item has the increased chance to forge Level 40 equipment.

 Level 45 Boost TicketThis item has the increased chance to forge Level 45 equipment.

  Level 50 Boost TicketThis item has the increased chance to forge Level 50 equipment.

 Cracked StoneThis item provides 50 EXP when enhancing a Hero’s weapon of choice. It can be found in Treasure Chests, while playing Normal Mode, or in VIP Packs.

 Crystal StoneThis item provides 150 EXP when enhancing a Hero’s weapon of choice. It can be found in Treasure Chests, while playing Normal Mode, or in VIP Packs.

 Moon StoneThis item provides 300 EXP when enhancing a Hero’s weapon of choice. It can be found in Treasure Chests, while playing Normal Mode, or in VIP Packs.

 Sun StoneThis item provides 600 EXP when enhancing a Hero’s weapon of choice. It can be found in Treasure Chests, while playing Normal Mode, or in VIP Packs.

Equipment Advancement Materials

These items can be used to advance equipment. This can only be done with advanced equipment. Advanced equipment can be identified with the green arrow in the top right corner of the item.

 QuartzThis item can be found in Stronghold 3, Stronghold 18, Stronghold 42, Stronghold 54, Stronghold 69, Stronghold 87, and Stronghold 105. Quartz can also be found in Treasure Chests.

 JadeThis item can be found in Stronghold 21, Stronghold 33, Stronghold 51, Stronghold 66, Stronghold 84, Stronghold 102, and Stronghold 120. Jade can also be found in Treasure Chests.

 SapphireThis item can be found in Stronghold 36, Stronghold 48, Stronghold 63, Stronghold 81, Stronghold 99, and Stronghold 117. Sapphire can also be found in Treasure Chests.

 AmethystThis item can be found in Stronghold 45, Stronghold 60, Stronghold 78, Stronghold 96, and Stronghold 114. Amethyst can also be found in Treasure Chests.

 TopazThis item can be found in Stronghold 57, Stronghold 75, Stronghold 93, and Stronghold 111. Topaz can also be found in Treasure Chests.

 GarnetThis item can be found in Stronghold 72, Stronghold 90, and Stronghold 108. Garnet can also be found in Treasure Chests.

Promotional Items

These items are used to promote your Hero to Corporal, Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, Lieutenant General, and Invictus. All of these items can be found in various Strongholds, in the Infinity Tower, and purchased at the Store and VIP Store.

White Souls

Promotes Hero to Corporal, Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Captain, and Lieutenant. There are 7 types and their locations are as follows:

                                 White Soul I                                        -Stronghold 3                                                            -Stronghold 24                                                         -Stronghold 45                 

                                 White Soul II                                        - Stronghold 6                                                           - Stronghold 27                                                        - Stronghold 48                

                                 White Soul III                                        - Stronghold 9                                                           - Stronghold 30                                                        - Stronghold 51                

                    White Soul IV                        - Stronghold 12                                        - Stronghold 33                        - Stronghold 54

                                 White Soul V                                        - Stronghold 15                                        - Stronghold 36                                        - Stronghold 57

                                 White Soul VI                                         - Stronghold 18                                         - Stronghold 39                                         - Stronghold 60

                                 White Soul VII                                         - Stronghold 21                                         - Stronghold 42                                          - Stronghold 63

Green Souls

Promotes Hero to Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Major, Major General, and Colonel. There are 8 types and their locations are as follows:

 Green Soul I  Stronghold 15 Stronghold 90  Stronghold 45 Stronghold 114 Stronghold 69     


Green Soul II  Stronghold 18 Stronghold 93 Stronghold 48 Stronghold 117 Stronghold 72     

Green Soul III  Stronghold 21 Stronghold 96 Stronghold 52 Stronghold 120 Stronghold 75     

Green Soul IV   Stronghold 24 Stronghold 78 Stronghold 54 Stronghold 99     


Green Soul V  Stronghold 27 Stronghold 78 Stronghold 57 Stronghold 99     


Green Soul VI  Stronghold 30 Stronghold 81 Stronghold 60 Stronghold 102     



Green Soul VII  Stronghold 33 Stronghold 84 Stronghold 63 Stronghold 105     


Green Soul VIII  Stronghold 36 Stronghold 87 Stronghold 66 Stronghold 108     


Blue Souls

Promotes Hero to Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Lieutenant General, Major, Colonel, General, Major General, and Invictus. There are 4 types and their locations are as follows:                           

Blue Soul I  Stronghold 39 Stronghold 81 Stronghold 51 Stronghold 93 Stronghold 66 Stronghold 105     

Blue Soul II  Stronghold 42 Stronghold 84 Stronghold 54 Stronghold 96 Stronghold 69 Stronghold 108     


Blue Soul III  Stronghold 45 Stronghold 87 Stronghold 63 Stronghold 99 Stronghold 75 Stronghold 117            



Blue Soul IV  Stronghold 48 Stronghold 90 Stronghold 66 Stronghold 102 Stronghold 78 Stronghold 120     


Purple Souls

Promotes Hero to Lieutenant General, Major, Major General, Captain, and Invictus. There are 4 types and their locations are as follows:

                                     Purple Soul I                                                  - Stronghold 57                                                  - Stronghold 72                                                  - Stronghold 111

                                     Purple Soul II                                                   - Stronghold 60                                                   - Stronghold 75                                                   - Stronghold 114

                                     Purple Soul III                                                   - Stronghold 69                                                   - Stronghold 81                                                   - Stronghold 111

                                     Purple Soul IV                                                    - Stronghold 72                                                    - Stronghold 84                                                    - Stronghold 114

Orange Souls

Promotes Hero to Major General, Colonel, and Invictus. There are 4 types and their locations are as follows:

                                       Orange Soul I                                                     - Stronghold 87                                                     - Stronghold 93                                                     - Stronghold 117

                                       Orange Soul II                                                      - Stronghold 90                                                      - Stronghold 96                                                      - Stronghold 120

                                       Orange Soul III                                                     - Stronghold 102                                                     - Stronghold 108

                                        Orange Soul IV                                                      - Stronghold 105                                                      - Stronghold 111

Red Souls

Promotes Hero to General, Lieutenant General, Major General, Colonel, and Invictus. There are 4 types and their locations are as follows:

                                                                        I               II             III             IV

Red Soul I – IV   Infinity Tower Store VIP Store     

Rainbow Souls

Promotes Hero to General and Invictus. There are 2 types and their locations are as follows:

                                                                                                I                II

Rainbow Soul I –II  Infinity Tower Store VIP Store     

 This item guide is a work in progress. If I missed anything, let me know in the comments below!

[Source Images: Header Image, all icons are captured from the game]