Blame Money -Reasons Why Marriages Fail

Multiple reasons ignite an argument between couples. If both spouses are earning money, the case becomes more complex. In this way, both have to defend their sides of the expenditures, and sometimes it damages the egos of the partners. Secondly, if a man is just the earning hand, then it’s always difficult for a man to answer his expenses because he believes that he is using his earnings and he shouldn’t be answerable to anyone; and at least that someone shouldn’t be his wife. Thirdly, if it’s a case that a woman is just the earning hand, that is the most crucial and hard acceptance for a man. Among all three cases, the third is the worst one, and it quickly rusts a relationship. A man’s self-respect, society, family, and children are all pinched by his ego, and it results in a disastrous marriage. A survey has been conducted by SunTrust Bank, and according to the survey, 35% of women agree that financial issues damage their relationships.

The factors other than earnings that resulted in marriage failure are:


Debts are responsible for initiating trust issues between couples. Credit cards, rent, children’s fees, hospital expenditures, and gambling habits can dig anyone into debt. If those debts were not settled earlier or kept secret from the spouse, this could lead to a marriage breakup. It’s always good to share if you are stuck in debt instead of taking solace from the spouse because this might result in a reasonable settlement.

Self-respect VS Ego:

Debts are responsible for initiating trust issues between couples. Credit cards, rent, children’s fees, hospital expenditures, and gambling habits can dig anyone into debt. If those debts were not settled earlier or kept secret from the spouse, this could lead to a marriage breakup. It’s always good to share if you are stuck in debt instead of taking solace from the spouse because this might result in a reasonable settlement.

Low Income:

Those couples who earn less or hardly manage their budget always fight over household expenses. Almost 60% of fights in middle-class families are the result of less income. The couple has to run the house and fulfill all the needs of family members. They do it pretty well outside bedrooms, but inside is the horrible story where every night they fight over expenses. A little discussion flares up and causes big fights. If it happens often, then these fights can break up a good relationship.

Advice To Avoid Friction In A Relationship Caused By Money

There is some psychologically-based advice that might help couples to avoid financial arguments:


If you share your debts or let your partner know about your expenses, then it might not start a disputed argument. Transparent money expenses develop trust between partners and help them to resolve issues without fighting.


If one partner has a job and the other is dependent, then avoid power plays. Make it easy for your spouse to discuss finances with you.

3- advice

Partners should know their financial condition properly and extend their family according to their income because having a big family can cause more disputes.


Avoid hurting your partner’s self-respect and do not let your ego overpower your relationship. If you are asked about any expense, don’t think you are being blamed for expending it. Instead, reply politely to know the intention of your partner.


Money disputes are increasing day by day and breaking more marriages than infidelity. The stress of spending more and earning less; the pressure of debts; and a lot of other factors flare up the arguments. These prolonged arguments can lead a marriage to its end. Today, both partners earn and try not to let the other sneak into their private space, especially when it is financial space. If the couples become more open about the expenditure and have a sitting every month for budgeting their mutual expenses and understanding one another’s spending habits, this could resolve this emerging dilemma. A lot of people are breaking relationships, and women blame money disputes for their divorces.

1-Why do couples avoid talking about expenses?

Couples, especially the one who earns, try to avoid discussion related to expenses because it might put him/her in a situation where they believe that they are being questioned. This could pinch their egos and cause disputes.

2-How can partners avoid financial arguments?

Almost all couples fight about financial issues. But if open communication and budgeting are done mutually, then it can make it less bad.

3- What are the reasons for marriage breakups?

Two basic reasons for marriage breakups are infidelity and financial arguments.