Doug’s marriage with Ashley was a subsequent one. He wedded her in the no so distant past after his most memorable spouse, Renee, died from a heart condition. Doug had a girl with Renee and was raising her with Ashley after Renee’s demise. The defenseless person in Doug’s homicide case is her little girl Eva Benefield, who lost both of her folks in nine months.

Ashley has gotten no decision for a very long time since the homicide, and her court preliminary isn’t planned until 2023. In the midst of the person in question and culprit story, individuals can’t help thinking about how Eva is doing.

Where Could Eva Benefield Now be? Eva Benefield is dynamic on TikTok as @evathefreakindiva. Her record has in excess of 200 thousand devotees and has amassed 13.4 million preferences. Looking at her TikTok posts, she appears to work her very own clothing organization where she paints everything on the material she sells without any preparation.

Eva as of late distributed a tale about how she is doing post the terrible occurrence of his dad on her TikTok account. “Are You doing Okay?” a TikTok client remarked on her video, to which she answered, “Short response indeed, long response no. ” Eva has a six-section story distributed in her record that counters occasions after her dad’s marriage with Ashley until Ashley’s court preliminary for killing Doug.

Eva conceded that she battled sincerely and monetarily in the wake of losing her folks. She had only $15 in her financial balance when her dad died, and from that point onward, she doesn’t have the foggiest idea how she figured out how to move further.

Presently, Eva, at 21 years old, lives in a little studio alone. She deals with her costs through a dress line, phantom cowpoke, that she laid out all alone. Eva paints illustrations and figures without anyone else in the merchandise she sells. You can find what Eva is doing right now from her TikTok recordings since that is the stage on which she is generally dynamic.

Subtleties On Ashley And Doug’s Relationship Ashley Benefield and Doug Benefield at first ran into each other in August 2016 at an evening gathering in Florida during the official mission. Ashley was 24, and Doug was 54 around then. Doug and Ashley began dating not long after their gathering, and following 13 days, the pair wedded.

Eva, Doug’s little girl, was stunned in light of the fact that Doug had guaranteed her he wouldn’t get hitched once more, essentially not at any point in the near future. By promising Eva his subsequent marriage was for her to have a mother job in her life, Doug convinced Eva to concur. No matter what the subsequent marriage, Eva and Doug were in every case close. Ashley, notwithstanding, looked to sharp their relationship by confusing Eva’s words and grumbling to Doug.

One day when Ashley and Doug were quarreling about Eva, Doug shot a slug into his home roof in the wake of blowing his top. Ashley was pregnant around then, and she viewed the matter in a serious way.

Ashley Benefield Shot Doug Benefield To Death Ashley shot her significant other Doug Benefield to death on 27 September 2020. However, this episode has a boring tale behind it.

Following the weapon episode, Ashley left a four-page note to Doug expressing every one of his inadequacies and how he was possessive and controlling. She further composed that she was “afraid for her life and the security of her unborn youngster.” Ashley then evened out various allegations against Doug. She guaranteed he was harming her with tea and that Renee, his departed spouse, who had died of a heart condition, had been harmed.

In addition, Ashley didn’t enlighten Doug concerning their girl’s introduction to the world in March 2018 as she was living with her mom. Indeed, even with this tumult, the couple figured out how to take care of their problems, and for a year, they seemed cheerful.

Go inside the story behind the death of Doug Benefield:

— 48 Hours (@48hours) June 5, 2022

On 27 September 2020, when Doug and Ashley were pressing to move to Maryland at around 7 p.m. of the day, a neighbor heard them shouting and called 911. The shouting was on the grounds that Ashley had shot Doug, which she conceded herself yet stated was out of self-preservation. Doug died an hour after the fact at a neighborhood clinic.

Later Ashley’s mom informed the police that Ashley had been in consistent feeling of dread toward Doug for three and a half years. She guaranteed they endeavored to contact the experts for help, yet nobody would help them. The division investigated Ashley’s charges against Doug, yet Doug was off any legitimate preliminary.

Examinations uncovered that Doug had been shot two times while confronting Ashley’s heading. Doug was shot two times, once in the arm and once in the leg. One of the shots entered his chest. Ashley was arrested and accused of counts of second-degree murder five weeks after the shooting. Nonetheless, she made a not blameworthy supplication, and subsequent to spending almost fourteen days in prison, she was delivered on bond. The case has not raised from that point forward, and the court preliminary is yet to continue.