Some PS4 and PS5 players are having problems activating split screen in the Zombies mode. This guide will provide you with a possible fix to try before the official patch comes out, which should take care of this issue for good.
How to Play Cold War Zombies in Split Screen
Before encountering any issues you will need to activate the split screen mode on your PlayStation console by following these steps:
Connect a second controller to your console Log in under a different name (use another account) Go to Multiplayer menu in Cold War Zombies Press X to activate Split Screen mode
If you’ve done all this, the console may show the first error message: “You need PlayStation Plus to access this feature”. You can get around this.
After you get the error, press OK then try step 4 once again by pressing the X button.
This time you will get a second error message: “This content cannot be selected at this time”. Ignore it and press OK, then repeat step 4.
If luck is on your side, this should be it and you should be able to play Cold War Zombies in split screen mode. If that’s not the case, then keep on reading for a possible solution.
How to Fix the Split Screen Issue
The following fix has been spotted by the Reddit user Bloodwink, and it has worked for a number of players. Here’s what you need to do:
User 1 needs to add User 2 to their friends list Press X in the game as User 1 Log in as User 2 User 1 can now invite User 2 to their game Enter Zombies mode as User 1 Exit the game User 1 can now open social menu on PSN Allow User 2 to quick join your game
If you’ve done everything right, split screen should now be active for both users in the Zombies mode.
That’s all you need to know on how play in split screen mode in Cold War Zombies. For more Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War guides, please visit our dedicated hub page.