Each supply crate contains cosmetic items, which may include attachments for weapons, taunts, gestures, and perhaps even some super rare items, although it is based off luck at this point. You can monitor your progress to the next unlocked key within the After Action Reports following multiplayer matches, or even through the progress bar inside of the Black Market itself.

To help you unlock your CryptoKeys quickly, we’ve complied a list simple tips and things to keep in mind:

There is currently no correlation between the amount of experience points you earn while playing the game and earning CryptoKeys. Whether you win or lose a multiplayer game, you will earn progress towards your next key unlock. By playing multiplayer games, you unlock one CryptoKey per completed match. You must be within the match from beginning to end, however. This means keys will not be given when joining late or leaving too early. Should you leave a game early or join late, you can still earn progress points towards your next key unlock.   The best game mode to play in order to unlock a key is Team Deathmatch, as each match only lasts around 6 to 8 minutes in total. The shorter the game mode, the easier it will be to collecting keys. Some players within the community believe that earning a CryptoKey can be tied to completing Dark Ops challenges.  Treyarch has not yet confirmed this. Some people believe an option to pay for CryptoKeys with real cash will be included in the game at a later date. Again, Treyarch has not said anything on this matter.

In summary, a single CryptoKey can be earned by completing a round of your favorite game mode. The shorter the mode’s time limit, the more keys you could potentially earn within a set period of time.

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