While BJP MLA Chandrabhan Singh scrutinized a state serve on the rules embraced to count the dead cows on the floor of the Gathering, Association Clergyman of State for Creature Farming and Fisheries, Sanjeev Balyan, expressed that of the 18.50 lakh cows tainted in the country, Rajasthan alone records for 12.50 lakh such cows.


“It won’t be inappropriate to say that two-third of the debilitated cows in the whole nation are in Rajasthan,” Balyan said.

In the Get together, Chandrabhan Singh asked state Creature Farming Priest Lalchand Kataria assuming that uneven infection is spreading quickly in the state.

“The number of cows that have experienced over the most recent five months and the number of have died,” he asked, adding that according to true measurements, north of 50,000 cows have died.

“What is the premise of this number? Has any study being directed? Will the proprietors of the dead cows get monetary guide like in Bihar and Odisha,” Singh inquired.

Answering to this, Kataria said, “The information has been gathered by the authorities in the agribusiness office, patwaris and others.”

Balyan, who was in Dausa on Wednesday, said, “Focal groups have visited Rajasthan multiple times since the flare-up of knotty skin sickness in cows. It is my obligation to satisfy Rajasthan government’s interest for medications and antibodies, and I will do that.

Yet, it is the obligation of the state government to deal with the ground, which ought to be finished. The focal groups are additionally gathering realities by visiting the different impacted regions. Presently the main work left is to treat and serve the tainted cows.”

On express government’s interest to proclaim lumpi infection as a public catastrophe, Balyan said, “First the Central Priest of Rajasthan ought to be found out if he has pronounced the illness as a scourge in the state.

Assuming the Rajasthan government takes a gander at the Head of the state for each necessary work to be finished, for what reason did individuals make him (Ashok Gehlot) the Central Pastor? One can expect help from the Middle, yet here everything is tossed into the Middle’s court,” he said.

“The Central Priest is showing interest in Delhi’s governmental issues, however presently there is a need to deal with the ground,” Balyan added.