Budgeting is performed by considering the most fundamental rule of economics according to which the resources are always limited compared to wants and desires. Earnings are fixed and the requirements are manipulated so that they are balanced. Smart people leave a considerable gap keeping their earnings higher compared to requirements to maintain a cushion and to save some for a rainy day. However, this frugality is not common among all, and people usually overspend and fall prey to deficits in earnings. For organizations, this can either be incompetence or short-sightedness on the part of their executives. Whatever the reason, these shortcomings can lead to serious implications like facing a grave loss to completely going bankrupt.

As budgeting is a plan, there is first the need to have one, preferably in written or typed form. Secondly, all the elements of budgeting must be charted. People expect circumstantial earnings in the future that are not certain. However, it is always wise to plan based on baselines (gross income) and not on incremental spikes (bonuses) during a planning cycle. By planning safely, one can prevent overspending and maintain a cushion. Those who think too optimistically ignore the worst-case scenarios, ultimately falling prey to losses. Ignoring alternatives for sourcing is another big mistake people make. Sometimes it is better to seek out options to evaluate market conditions. Discounts allow bargaining power that can reduce spending. By ignoring alternate buying sources, one can fall prey to overspending or scamming at the hands of even a trusted supplier. These are just a few examples of the mistakes that can heavily impact budgeting negatively. Following are a few more pitfalls that affect budgeting negatively:

Budget revision

It is important to revise the budget after every few months because prices never stay constant. Inflation has its toll while the earnings do not vary much in a year. Therefore, to have the foresight of the upcoming expense enhancements and limitations of resources, one must revise budgets monthly. Those who do not revise budgets ignore small cost increments that gather to form a huge impact.

Using savings for operational expenses

While saving funds for the unforeseen, it is important to keep them separate and not to allow spending from it no matter how bad the situation seems. Savings are intended to be kept for some purpose. It is a strategic asset loss that can endanger future investments. For example, a college fund must not be used to pay off a car loan.


Planning requires inclusion. After all, two heads are better than one. The same can be said for budgeting which a household should sit together and discuss. This is most important as it prevents the hidden charges from not being included in the budget. For example, birthday celebrations can be reminded by family members that can otherwise be forgotten while budgeting.

Social expenses

These expenses can be categorized as hidden expenses. Friends and events cannot be ignored, and social gatherings have their place in social life. Be it an organization or a family, celebrations, and gatherings happen for which the reserve should be incorporated in advance.

Variable accruals

Variable accruals like bills and groceries should be budgeted keeping in view the conditions. For example, a family should account for a newborn baby, a newly installed air-conditioner, a replacement of a maid with more salary, etc. These expenses should be revised in budgeting so that they get recorded appropriately.

Credit cards

Credit cards are an addiction. Handing them over to house members who do not mature enough to understand the nature of expenses can cause severe overspending. Furthermore, an unpaid credit card bill can lead to markups that can pile up and become a big payment.

Forgetting issued cheques

Checks are nasty bank instruments. Unless they are cashed by the beneficiary, they do not how in the bank balance. Therefore, soon after issuing a cheque, the amount intended to be paid should be recorded as an expense in the budget. 

Now it must be clear that which Biggest Budgeting Mistakes You’re Making


Budgeting is an important task that can prevent overspending. It can preserve earnings for spending on daily expenses as well as upcoming major expenses. An unrecorded expense can distort the whole livelihood causing household disturbances and losses. Therefore, careful budgeting can be carried out so that expenses always remain under control and are lesser than earnings.

Q1: What kind of record can we use to ensure adequate budgeting?

The Internet has many Microsoft Excel templates incorporating easy daily and monthly expense accounting sheets. Such sheets can aid in budgeting household expenses.

Q2: How accurate can my budget be?

It depends upon your capability to plan and collaborate with household members. As holistic as the budgeting can be, it can yield better results accordingly.