Things quickly went downhill for Kyle after he told Michael Burner and Brittany Hoopes that BIPOC players were subtly uniting along race lines, but there was no such evidence to help the speculation. After word spreads around the house, Kyle’s fate is fixed. He tells ET that his “summarized contemplations” had no bearing in the game and accepts all out possession for his exercises. He moreover said he wants to “continue learning and creating and continuing with this outing past the house.”

ET: You were actually seen laughing saying how well you expected you were doing. Then, everything came crashing down. How shocked could you say you are to remain here this second and what do you accept was the essential legitimization for your obliteration? Kyle Capener: I am very staggered that I am remaining here right currently considering the way that at the first of the week I felt like I was in a respectable spot. In any case, obviously, with a piece of the remarks that I had made before in the game, that is definitely the defense for why I am here as of now. I recognize that 100 percent, and I guess this trip pushing ahead and continuing to learn and grow actually.

You consistently raised stresses over “The Cookout 2.0.” Why were you so stressed over this? What constrained you think this, especially since a part of these houseguests you were stressed over were truly expected to an intrigue with you. KC: I made a couple of summarized thoughts every step of the way in the game and mid-game that definitely had no grounds and no spot in the game, which are miserable. I have talked with various individuals this earlier week, and they have been so open and figuring out in helping me with learning. Yet again what’s more, I accept total possession in pushing ahead and continuing with this journey of learning and growing by and by.

A lot of things unfurled in the house this week. You were faulted for bigoted approach to acting, there was a significant house meeting. Heaps of sentiments overall. Who and what does you most have to apologize for? KC: Definitely the house guests overall. Individuals who were affected, as well as Michael and Brittney who I set there. They have all been so straightforward with me and have helped me with understanding the motivation behind why these things influenced them so significantly.

You bragged about making The Leftovers and a short time later disposed of everything for your showmance with Alyssa. Why? Did you obliterate your potential outcomes winning Big Brother considering her? KC: I could have annihilated my conceivable outcomes considering Alyssa, but I would repeat everything. Later in the game, my relationship with Alyssa was the principal need and the game kind of seemed, by all accounts, to be second spot by then. Nonetheless, she’s surprising, as, might you anytime genuinely shortcoming me?

This comes after a variety of racist comments from the #BB24 contestant, which earned him the nickname of ‘KKKyle’ on social media.

— Pop Base (@PopBase) September 2, 2022

What do you accept you learned most about what happened and, by and large, from being in the Big Brother house? How should this experience make you create? KC: I have found that people in the house are amazing. That I had a couple of summarized thoughts that were unquestionably ridiculous, and pushing ahead I should be the one to expect responsibility and continue learning and creating and continuing with this outing past the house. Season 24 of Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.