Yes, that’s dead plant parts i.e., leaf, flower, etc. makes it a living home. So, trashes cannot always be bad. They are good sometimes.

Firstly it should be notable that the home garden trash is not any kind of pollutant. Instead, it is a rich source of nutrients for the soil, and food for many small creatures and micro-organisms, many saprophytes decay it by feeding on it. 

The Home garden not only includes dead plant parts like leaves but also includes kitchen waste like fruits and vegetable peels, rotten vegetables, etc. that cannot be used again. 

These are known as organic wastes which are biodegradable and do not harm nature in any way. Hence, by composting pits you can easily use them in increasing soil fertility and will lead to plant growth.

The Home garden is the place where you feel relaxed, fresh energetic. 

The Home garden gives you a sense of a second home. People release their tensions, and anxiety there. The Home garden plays many important roles in many ways of which we all are unaware. 

It acts as a reservoir, kept dead and decaying parts, home for many small creatures and micro-organisms. It also acts like composting pit where you can dump all organic waste in it. It will with the help of earthworm-like organisms, degrade all the trash. 

That degraded trash will be manure and will increase the fertility of the soil of the garden and this will ultimately help in growing more and more plants in it. 

How is Home Gardens Trash Degraded?

Degrading the home gardens trash is not a difficult task. It’s just easy as dumping the waste in the dustbin. Just follow these steps and your trash will be dumped:-

  1. Separate all the waste into two categories, one is biodegradable and the other is non-biodegradable.

  2. Dispose of the non-biodegradable waste into usual dustbins.

  3. In the garden, select a corner and dig a big and deep hole. A deep hole is advised to reduce the chances of foul smell coming out of the dump and also to keep flies away from the waste.

  4. Now take all the kitchen waste and garden trash and dump it all into the hole.

  5. Cover the hole very well.

Now, you don’t have to do anything. 

Beautiful nature will do everything on its own. It is also known as waste management. It includes managing the waste in such a form that it will not lead to harm or pollute the environment in any form instead, will remove or reduce the waste from the environment and will bring cleanliness, and hygiene into the environment. 

Clean Environment

In all forms and for all the small big creatures living on this earth is safe. Many environmental problems like global warming, greenhouse gas effect, pollution, etc. can be sorted out just through proper waste management which is quite not difficult to manage. 

Reduce the Burden on Earth and the Environment

In big cities where multi-story buildings are in large numbers, there is less or no space for making a home garden because people live in flats. But in small towns, and villages, these activities can be practiced to reduce the burden on the earth and the environment too. 

Nature does this autonomously but being the smartest creature we can also contribute to and help nature. It’s not all its duty. We are making the earth dirty so it’s our sole duty also to keep the environment clean, at least of our surroundings. 

Some Trash Can Be Reused

Not all trash is completely wasted or needs to be dumped. But some can be reused in any other way. Beautiful things can be made from garden trash which is useless for many people but can be made and kept to enhance the beauty of that place through the best out-of-waste technique. 

It’s completely all in your mind what to do and what not to do with that stuff but can be tried once. 


In today’s era, the population is a major concern and this increasing population has occupied much space so that there is no place left for making the home garden. People are living in flats; there is no personal home garden remaining for them. 

Some parks and open spaces are left for playground purposes. So, composting can be done there also. Waste management practice is not bound to the home garden only; instead, it can be done on any barren land also. 

The Home garden trash is completely organic, biodegradable, non-pollutant, and safe for the environment. So, it can be dumped into the earth in but inappropriate manner. Because if not done correctly, can also give birth to many kinds of diseases. 

Mosquitoes can breed there, and many kinds of harmful bacteria and fungi can be grown and can cause many kinds of harmful communicable diseases. So, every practice must be done correctly to reduce any kind of risks to living lives.